Links to Selected Color Astrophotography Sites

Kitahara Photo Gallery Yuuji Kitahara is in Nagano Japan.  This site is relatively new.  Absolutely superb Astrophotos.  As I write this, his site contains the following items:  "What's New?", "Galaxies", "Nebulae and Clusters".  There is also an item describing his equipment and his observatory.  He is using a 16 inch f/12 telescope and, astoundingly, is hand-guiding all of his photos!  Many of them are 5 hour exposures!  (M82 for example.) 
Astronomical Images by Jerry Lodriguss Jerry is a staff photographer for the Philadelphia Enquirer.  I met him once here in Arizona out at one of our dark sites.  He does truly super astrophotography!  (He is who told me about Kodak PJM-2 film.  He even gave me a roll of PJM-2 which I immediately tried and liked.  Caused me to switch from slide film to print film!) 
Astrocruise:  Astronomical Photography by Philip Perkins Philip is in England.  He uses the same type of telescope that I use.  In addition, he has been using an SBIG ST-4 autoguider for guiding and Adobe Photoshop for image processing.  Excellent photos on his site!  Lots of good information regarding how he gets his excellent results.
Astrophotography by Bob and Janice Fera Collection of excellent color photos!  Their web page indicates that most were taken from the "Mt. Pinos parking lot, located a couple of hours north of Los Angeles, at about 8300' elevation."  A little elevation never hurt any astrophotograph. 
Chuck's Astrophotography I am partial to color but Chuck's black and white Horsehead shot almost makes me want to switch to black and white.  Excellent detail.  In addition, he has a truly remarkable color shot of the solar eclipse of July 11, 1991.  His site appears to be devoted primarily to black and white photography but there are also some superb color shots on his site.  His Tri-color shot of the Pelican Nebula is absolutely brilliant!

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Howard C. Anderson